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February 14, 2012


susie c.

LOVE your hearts!!! let's see...as an artist, i work at home, and my husband away from home and we won't see each other 'til the evening. so valentine's will be celebrated quietly in the evening, with a nice dinner, maybe some wine, and some much needed quality time. may not sound too exciting, but it works for us... :)

Montse Puigjané

I'd love my husband stay at home today but he has to go working... :-( I expect to sleep the children soon this night and we can have a lovely dinner. That's all!!!

Thanks so much for the chance. These hearts are adorable!


I love your hearts! They are so cute! And the stenciling is probably way cooler than the transfer ;-) The stamping, the beading, the appliqued layer-upon-layer! Seriously, I do admire the effort you put into all these hearts, your top-30 customers are LUCKY to be "yours"! So what was the question? How I´d love my Valentine´s day to be?
Well, let´s just pretend yesterday was Valentine´s, cause that was pretty good: Axel did a major part of the house-work, washing the floors and tidying. And when I got home in the evening, there was a red rose waiting for me :-) Today he´s off to work, and I won´t see him till late, so my wish for today is that he has a safe drive on the icy roads...

Linda Robison

TOO CUTE!! The perfect VD would have a man in it. The one God finally sent me, special delivery because I was willing to wait...for the right one. A righteous man, who understands me and still lets me be me, is strong (on the inside)and makes me feel safe and above all is LOYAL, honest and tender in the heart. ahhhhhhhhhhh would be nice.

Karin Canazzi

Today I think my dream will come true...my Valentine and I are at the beach. He will be visiting the galleries today and said I could start in my nightgown all day and read if I like. I may sneak in a little Smash book time too. And the sun may shine on on porch....it will in my heart for sure!

jennifer willis

those hearts are cute, my ideal valentine would be...finished! never seems like I get anything done.


My ideal valentine would come from my grandbabies - full of glue and glitter, misspellings and LOVE!!!!! I hope your day is just as happy as you make others!!!! Spread the love!

Nicole Naughton

With all the rush about going on everyday my ideal Valentine's day would be to spend quiet, quality time with my wife and daughter. Cooking, laughing, listening to some great music and simply enjoying each others company. My girls are my forever Valentine's.


These are gorgeous - man, you are SO hard on yourself....they look perfect and anyone would be happy to have such a thoughtful gift. Perfect Valentine's Day for me....spending it with my husband fishing on the river....yeah, perfect.


I don't really know. My expectations are really vague around the holiday. As a matter of fact, we decided to postphone it till Sunday. LOL! I think we're going to take our sweet dog for a walk along the seawall and have lunch. No biggie, which is just the way I like it. After 22 years of marriage, it's the little moments of every day that are important.

Sandra Sutherland

The thing I that is so great about things that are truly handmade are the little idiosyncrasies in each piece. No factory robot can be the quirky unique that is a human being.

robin west

a hug, a kiss, a smile.

Elizabeth Grandon

My ideal would be celebrating the love and memories of our life together over a meal at our favorite Thai food restaurant, some Cheese cake at home and a funny movie! OR if he really went all out I would love a surprise get away adventure activity!

I would love to make some Valentine's decor, I only have kitchen TOWELS...BORING!!!

Debbie J

Love, LOVE your hearts. Being with my loves - my sweet family - is the perfect Valentines Day!

Vickie Barber-Ellis

Your hearts are fabulous! Wishing you the most wonderful Valentine's Day!

Julie Kanehl

A Valentine's Day without breast cancer. My mom was just diagnosed. It's so scary how common this is! CHECK YOURSELF LADIES!

Kimberly Roberts

Happy Valentines to you! my ideal valentines would be to have someone cook me a vegan meal for dinner after a day kayaking with my hubby and dogs :)


I haven't really considered an "ideal" valentine's day before... how about lots of kindness from my kids toward each other... and a catered meal to my kitchen (clean-up included!)

Shayna Butler

These are gorgeous! My ideal Valentine's Day would be spent eating chocolate and thrift store shopping with my hubby and two-year-old Lula. Hope I get to do both!!!!!!


Happy Valentines Day Michelle! :)


Happy Valentines day to you and yours! Once again, amazing work. Those are so cute. To see the smiles on my family's faces when they wakeup and see what cupid left for them. I guess my day is going to be great!

Amy C

How cute are those? As far as the perfect Valentines Day goes - I would just be happy to actually spend a day with my honey at home. I think he has been in town once in all the years we have been married. Boo hoo hoo

DeAnn Brandt

HMMMM.... Well I don't need to out for a fancy dinner - I don't like gushy cards or a bunch of roses ( one does just fine!).

I guess ideally I would like to have everyone home at the same time ( husband & 4 boys), cuddled on the couch with take out and a classic CHICK flick!!! lol - hmmm might need a bigger couch!


These are adorable! Love them. :) Perfect Valentine's day - a cozy day at home with my little loves & my Hubby, playing games, baking together, and maybe some movies. Hope you have a great day filled with love!

Cheryl Abbott

Hm. Best Valentines day ever is my Hubs getting to stay home from work while we lounge outside in the warm weather (we don't get in CO in Feb) by the pool (we don't have). Buy hey- a girl cacn dream!

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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