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October 31, 2011



i love you michelle!!! these rock! i can do this with my girls.. oh i might add some holly and the little red berries too! missssss you!

Nancy Melbourn

I am having a bad day. One of those kick in the pants - totally unappreciated - No self-esteem - What am I doing with my life kind of days - But your stars, your beautiful, time-consuming stars, remind me why life is so grand. The simplicity of it all. How simple things make everything better. I am smiling now!


Nice! Knowing me I'd probably have to spray them a color!! lol

Hugs Giggles


Love these stars. I can picture them hanging at the window.
I have just found you contributed to the 2012 owl calender for Myowlbarn. I was so pleased; I chose your owl for January so as to start the new year with bright colours. I found about this site at the end of 2010 and I love it.

Shari Sherman

Oh, this looks like a great holiday project! Lovin' all of the remodel updates. Your new space is awesome!

April Cole

This is sweet, simple, and reusable materials, right up my alley!
Thank you for sharing... off to find twigs and branches (heheeheee) :]


lOL! I don't think our brains are wired for "how long will this take me" but "ooooooo! I MUST make that!" Then maybe a justifying, "Oh surely it won't take long?" Hee heee hee.

Well it's a lovely idea, and simple. The natural colors are wonderful but I could also see them spray painted white, or gold, or glittered.

I have a collection of glitter sprinkled pine cones I bring out for the holidays and they are so simple and pretty.

meg duerksen

i LOVE this.
i need to make a bunch.


I'm making GREAT, BIG, Giant ones for all the windows on the front of my house! Lord knows I have enough sticks in my yard.....

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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