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October 13, 2011



i CAN. NOT. WAIT. to see your stairs!!!! I am sure they are going to be awesomely cool. I still cannot believe you pulled an all-nighter! You are such an inspiration. This ALMOST makes me wish I had stairs to paint too! LOL


Oh you cheeky monkey, Michelle! I was so hoping that through the magic of the blogosphere, that the final photo would be the stairs INSTALLED!! Cannot wait to see! They look fabulous!

amanda jolley

Wow, wow wow! Can't wait to see these installed!!
Have a restful nap today, if you are able.


How fun!! Can't wait to see the finished product. Looks great so far.


WOW!! I am super excited to see them installed! They ARE going to be fabulous!!


They look fabulous! What a great job you did! Hey did your mail show up yet?


You are amazing. Can't wait to see them finished!!

Elizabeth Grandon

Wow, Michelle you really out did yourself! Can't wait to see them installed!! SERIOUSLY, you need to teach a painting class where you can teach you layering technique...I would be there in an instant. Thanks for sharing you are an inspiration!

Shayna Butler

These are sensational!!!!!! I'm with everyone else, can't wait to see a pic of them on the stairs. Now I wish I had some stairs to adorn.


So cool! Anticipation...

Janne Robberstad

O. M. G.!!! This is like the most awesome thing ev-ver! Such a great idea! So personal, so colorful, so inspirational, so...YOU! Cannot wait to see how it all turns out in place.

Kim Gann

Love the Stairs! Can't wait to see them in place.


Super idea and lasting memories with each step up and down! Can't wait to see them in person... Doing an all-nighter must've been somewhat exhilarating - just flowing...hope rest came in full doses!

Tracy Fisher

I love your blog. Meg D. told me about you. I wan a house with stairs so I can hire you to come paint them. Tracy Fisher www.tfisherart.com


you are so inpiring!! i may have to paint me some stairs soon!!!
love this!

Island Cottage Art and Design

I painted a door mat in front of my garage door. It has seen its fair share of shoes and
puppy paws for more than 15 years, and the design is still visible and inviting to those
that enter the back door.

Life is so much better in color! Your artwork is beautiful!

meg duerksen

oh my goodness!!!! this is going to ROCK! dying to see it!!!

Space Saver Staircases

WOW! The staircase has a very profesional finish to it. Nice one.


i'm completely in awe. I love!

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