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May 27, 2011



This is perfect for our B.C. weather too!! You should market this character on umbrellas! We often love our torrential type rains in the warmth of spring, however it's become ridiculous as of late! I hope you post it to illustration Friday anyway! So adorable!

Hugs Giggles

Janne Robberstad

Cute! As in uber-cute! It´s a good thing we´re water-proof! :-)

April Cole

This is a very clever illustration!
I really like the faucet idea :]
Very cute :]

Sunny Carvalho

You have such a way with illustrations! They always make me smile. :)

Tammy M

awesome!! this is so great michelle! xoxo !


That's how I feel right now.Totally. Came home from errands, all sunny out, excited to do my garden project and update the hen feeding system, and it just started pouring rain. A "good" Oregonian would simply go inside and get her rain proof work clothes, but alas, I must be a fair weather gardener.....soaked and heading inside.

I love the little pointy hood.

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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