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May 11, 2011



oh my sweet michelle... i had such a fun time ARTing with you for mother's day... once again you were an inspiration... so much so that i'm inviting a few of my friends over to make some Craft Hope bracelets too!! LOVE you!!

cristi clothier

Oh how I wish the dealine were farther away, I'd love to participate in this. Your bracelets will bring much joy and color to all who are lucky enough to receive them!

Tammy M

Wow Michelle! These are so awesome!! what a beautiful reason too! xoxo My daughter is really obsessed with rainbows, and that idea for the rainbow bracelet in the ideas section is going to be perfect fun for us tonight! thanks love! Hope you are having a super blessed day! {{hugs}}!!


They look great. And your photos are great too. Yay for good cameras!
And on a more serious note, what a wonderful project!


Very joyful! Those children will be so happy when they see these gifts.


Those are precious!

April Cole

These are so cute... love them all.


Holy smokes these are awesome!! I have this Craft Hope Project on my list. Thanks for all the links.


Stinking cute bracelets! My sister-in-law adopted two brothers from Russia 6 years ago, they are super boys! I will have to make some too! m


so awesome michelle!!!


These are cute and fun! But what I'm noticing is the gorgeous photography- again. Love the shot of them lined up along that textured railing with the misted red background. How did you learn about photography?


I love these bracelets--so whimsical and colorful. Are they your own design? I would love to see some sort of tutorial...they look like they would be super fun to make!!

Paula Hardesty

Michelle thank you for sharing your beautiful bracelets. I don't sew much but I CAN make bracelets. I too will be sending bracelets by June 15. What a wonderful idea and this is some I can do to brighten a child's day. I love your bracelets...they are fabulous. Where did you get the great black and white trim?
THANK you for sharing!

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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