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March 08, 2011



You know what I think! I've got my eye on a small corner:) Can't wait to see it.

sonya paz

Wow CONGRATS!!! I know how exciting this all can be, so wonderful and SO happy for you!


That is amazing - just got the chills for you. It will be a whole new adventure! Good luck ; )


it's my opinion that you must have thought this through from every angle - including the "crazy" one.
it's a new chapter in allen designs and now's your chance to greet all possibilities with open arms.
"those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." change is at hand and you're the "doer" here - don't let any little thoughts or hesitations hold you back, strong woman :)

Kirscha Gray


Melissa Irvin

What an incredible leap of faith! Congratulations! Beautiful space!

joanne sharpe

Awesome, congrats, now breathe!!! Wishing you continued success, joy and prosperity!


It looks Amazing! When are you hiring me?!?! ;-) ... nah, I'm not worthy. I can't wait to see it in person. Let me know if you guy need help moving! I owe you guys big time so this could be, fun? (gulp)


I think it is great! Best of luck to you!! Can't wait to see more pictures when you are all moved in, especially the showroom space! Next you are going to announce that you are selling your house? Then again, the old Allen Designs space would make an awesome play/game/kids room or wait, maybe an apartment for the older child! Or a rental apartment for extra income! Anyway....enjoy the ride!

Lee Ann

What happened to the bar? :) I think it looks fabulous and I hope you love it!

Teri Leigh

Congratulations! Sounds like doors are opening up in big ways. The new building looks amazing. When do you move?


Love it! I see job openings! I think it would be a blast to work for you or a company like you...know of any in the Fargo,ND area? ; ) way to go, can't wait to see move in pics.

D. Supplitt

Wow how did you get a building with lots of circles already around it? Far freakin' out!

robin west

My dad always told me, "the harder I work, the luckier I get." Looks like alot of luck is coming your way! Congrats and don't worry, be happy!

Sarah Fitzgerald

i think its terrific! WOW! congrats! am excited to see how this new space brings new creative juices! xo!

Erin Leigh

Congratulations! This is so exciting. I'm proud of you for taking the leap. You are a serious, constant inspiration. Can't wait to see it all decked out! What will you guys do with the current studio? Chicken Coop? fresh eggs...

lindsay christ

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! big squeeze right here!!! :-)


MAN!!! you guys are the most awesome supporters ever!!! thank YOU SO MUCH! it's just one more confirmation that we're doing the right thing. big hugs to you all!


You are doing the right thing! Just another step in to the world of Sharing your wonderfull Art. Next step is to open a shop in Denmark I'll run it for you:) Congratulations!!!

Healing Expressions

This is entirely too exciting!!! I can't wait to watch the journey unfold for you guys. You are an inspiration Michelle and an encouragement in the arena of courageous faith steps!!!


Wow! Great new spot! Congrats Michelle!


Not at all. You have to nuture your dreams, just like a child and when a child outgrowns their runners, you get new, bigger ones. Why should your business be any different? Take care of it, and it will take care of you. Yes, it's scary, but no risk, no rewards. If you always do what you've always done then you will always have what you've always got.

YOU CAN DO IT!! And the fact that your husband is behind you says alot about his faith in your ability to make it work. Eyes foreward, shoulder squared. Own it!


God gives us big dreams, so that we have room to grow into them!

Jodie Smith

Michelle: You are big, really big now. You are all over the world. It's time! Yeah, it's scarey at first - remember when you started all this in the beginning! Change and steppin' up is good.


Congratulations! What a dream come true even if it wasn't the dream you thought exactly! Your art is touching SO my hearts(that's gotta be a dream - right?)... and time to make room for more heart's to be touched! How special is that!? You are an amazing inspiration to me!

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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