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February 05, 2011


April Cole

Very delightful!
Thank you for sharing this :]

joanne sharpe

YOUR jourals will be amazing!! I'm loving my art journals this year. It's an "excuse" to be creative every day. Have funn!


It´s one of my goals this year too, to art-journal more... so far it´s been less. of course making a start like this will make it a lot easier. It already looks great.
Have a great arting-Sunday!

Kim Seistrup

Love seeing the mechanics of your process, thanks for sharing!

Danee Kaplan

Me too. I am taking Soul Restoration and it is all about art journaling. I'm finding it very fun but I also like your idea of fast and furious without a lot of thinking. I get more "real" with less thinking involved.


Love it! I started one last year and I have found that I might need to make a smaller one because it ends up being a new painting on each page for me that I actually might want to use. I have to get used to the whole random thing and have found that if I keep a smaller journal, I can do just that. Smaller as in like 5 x7 or so....just like you have. I tried Teesha Moore style (she is awesome) but I don't think it's for me. I am not a cut and paster type gal, maybe if I see an awesome pattern on paper, I might throw that on. Now if I can just get myself to actual journal on the pages! Journaling takes some getting used to and commitment! Have fun! It would be fun to meet with a bunch of gals like once a week and chit chat and art journal!


I want to... I really do... but for now I better focus on the priorities... and I'll just have to be happy drooling over yours!


Go for it! I'm positive they will be beautifull and all filled with you. I'm at the stage where I can't stop and I have to do at least 1 page every day, it's like Getting my daily doodleFIX ;)

Tonya Gray

Ah ha, I know the artist, Trina Hesson!
She is wonderful and kind and friendly, and so crazy talented!!

Christina Armstrong

I got a book binder, just so that I can make my own journals...I want to use lots of different papers, intersperced (sp?) with graph paper---for my quilt journal!
Graph paper is so essential for measurements... (mine always end up a little "off" anyway!)

Kim Seistrup

Thanks for sharing your stages of how you blend it all together! Love your style. More,more,more journal pages! Love 'em!

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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