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January 04, 2011



That´s a great idea, Michelle! I think I´ll do exactly that! :-)

Sarah Fitzgerald

is it bad my book would only have like 7 pages? you must have more friends than us. ha! great idea.


Great Idea!!! Fantastic!!


Great idea, Michelle! I save most of mine and look through them when we are decorating the tree. This is a great idea to keep them organized and easily handy, instead of stuffed into a Ziplock!

Shelly Massey

You dear, are a GENIUS! What a perfect idea!!


When was that taken?!?! That was last year's card! Hahaha! That's awesome that you got so many. Thanks for the one from your family too. It's great!!!

Wendy @ Living Creatively

Wow, great idea!!

Also, wanted to tell you that I linked back to you, and to your shop. You've been a great inspiration for me!! Love, love, love the dolls you've been making recently, and I attempted to do a similiar one, in pillow form. ;)
Thanks for being out here and open, inspiring and awesome.

Kimberly Kelly Santini

LOVE IT!! Off to bind mine up!! thanks, Michelle!

Amy Peters

Ok, so simple...yet so GENIUS! Love it.


i'm so glad i saw this before i got rid of my cards! this is awesome!

Healing Expressions

What a completely fabulous idea Michelle. I have kept all of mine and they stack up each year and I alwasy feel sad they stay tucked away! I want your creative brain for a day! Hope to see you at CAFE. I can't wait to s how you gals my new little studio!


Love this... what a great memory book to pull out each Christmas... especially to see how much the kids have grown over the years... you are SOOOOOO creative!!


Hi Michelle ~ wonderful idea! Right now all my Christmas photo cards are on our fridge....but I can see making a booklet like you suggest after awhile.

By the way...I was so very surprised and LOVED getting your family's photo Christmas card! It made me so happy! It seems that each year there is always one surprise card or a small surprise gift that's not expected that really touches me. Yours did that this year. THANK YOU so much for thinking of me. Your family picture is great!


It's such a nice idea! And I love the doll in the previous post! It makes feel like taking my sewing-machine and fabrics out of the cupboard.

Lee Ann

I meant to do this last year after seeing yours - but didn't. :( Delores and I just sat down together and did them - complete with ribbon on the rings :) Thanks for the inspiration!


love this!


Love this! Can I link back to you on my blog?


Great idea- I have about 30 years of cards stashed in my drawer..

Mary Susan McConnell

This is brilliant!


HI! I found your blog via Pinterest & I love this idea! I featured the project & linked back to your blog here: http://www.pinfluence.com/2011/11/30/christmas-card-organization/

Thanks so much for sharing this idea, it was just what I needed to organize my cards! :)


I will be doing this:)!


Love this! I'm going to do this by family so I can see how they change year to year.


Totally doing this next week - great idea!

The Rebel Crafter

Great idea! I featured on my site today!


I had a vague idea that this was what I wanted but had no idea how to execute. Now I have clarity and can get busy! Thank you so very much!

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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