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October 23, 2010



Happy Birthday. This is a great idea. My birthday is coming in a little over 2 weeks. I better get started!

Janna Moats

Michelle, I love it. I would love to make a quilt too with black and white photographs of family. I would join that group:)


I should probably help with that list:/

Jenni Henderson

Happy Birthday!!!


Love it...I've made a list for this past year and also seem to have trouble getting everything done, but when I tell people about my list they seem to help me get things done. My husband signed me up for a wheel throwing class, and I am definitely learning in my "old" age :)

My friend Ashley ran the Rock 'N Roll Marathon too...flew out from Minnesota! She loved Seattle.

Happy belated Birthday!

Jean Williams-Von Zopf

I can help you with the wine tasting and I will teach you to french braid. That's my contribution to your birthday. I still have the clock design...I haven't forgotten and I need to pick up Love Bird.


Michelle... it's not on your list... but one of the greatest things you accomplished in your 37th year was to be an inspiration to so many and in so many ways... especially to keep learning and loving life... to keep growing and even be willing to take a risk if need be. You inspire me.

Oh yes... and I could help you with several of those undone things too!!! Especially #1 LOL


970 Facebook fans now, I am sure you will have 30 more before your next birthday =)


Happy Birthday~! And, if you're getting up there, then what am I? hmmmmm, oh, ya, 46~!!

I learned to french braid in 10th grade watching a girl braid her hair across the room in English class :)

Laura Kennedy

Think you might have forgotten to cross of salsa. Didn't you have a post on a delicious salsa recipe and can it already? (or am I loosing more brain cells? lol)

Cuzzin Mo

CUZ! Happy Birthday for starters! Um I was looking at number 5 on your list and I have never been to Canada either and it's on my list as well!! I smell a ROAD TRIP!! :)


You are awesome - happy belated birthday :)


Love your list! And even though I'm from Kansas - middle of nowhere - every time we get up to Portland I HAVE to go to Edgefield! My list of have-to-do's includes going to each one of the McNinimans (spelling?!) Just too much fun in all the funkiest ways!


um, I count as an artist friend and you visited me... so, you ran a marathon at the same time...still! You did great on this list Shell! I am so impressed! I always never give blood either. xoxo

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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