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August 30, 2009


Brenis Thompson

LOLOL!! You put those pics of the fruit and the fabric on here just to tease me, didnt you?!?!? :D OH mannn... that fabric store... i would feel like i had died and gone to heaven!! Touch central! :D Did you get any goodies? hee hee... next time take pics of all the awesome textiles!! LOL Have a safe uneventful trip home! Blessings, Bren


Is that a piggy-bank? How hilarious! You have such a great eye for humor! Oh, and all the fabric and trimming! You make me sick with envy! Can I please come in your suitcase next time? I am very small, and promise to keep quiet, if I could just get my hands on some of all that silk... Ok, seriously. I have lots of silk right here, so there is no reason for me feeling sorry for myself. It just looks so much fun! Safe journey home!!!

Katy G

ahh i can hardly wait to see the new stuff!!


Your trip sounds like it was successful! I know your gang will be eager for your return. Be safe.


sounds like you got a lot accomplished on the trip! Enjoy Hong Kong! Safe travel home! Let's get a lunch on the calendar!!

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