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June 27, 2009



Fabulous photos and a great trip. My son's grade 8 class had their graduation trip to NYC and they loved it. As for kids and 80s music, oh yes...both my 17 and 21 year olds love the 80s music!


Wow! Very exciting trip for your daughter
and friends of yours to share together!!

That corn looks yummy! I like corn with
butter, lime and hotsauce on it.

Fun highlight of the trip! I like
Constantine! He just has that face
that is so expressive.

God Bless You and Yours!!!


I love this idea, Michelle and I can't believe that Blake will be in 8th grade in three years. Seriously, it does not feel like it was that long ago that I was in 8th grade and Terry was crushing on me:)

diving Boracay

so delicious :-)

Kelly Warren

oh fun. i'm going to NYC in another three weeks. thanks for the preview! i found your blog through cristi from 2-if-by-sea. love your art!


what a great trip it must've been!
My cousin & her husband are two of the producers for Rock of Ages - they are having a ball with it!

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  • hi and welcome!!! i'm so glad you're here! my name is michelle. i'm blessed to be a wife (to gary) of 18 years and a mom of two girls; alexis(16) & jess(11). i've been a full time artist for 15 years. i made my start at Portland Sat. Mkt. and art fairs around the country, and then headed into wholesale shows when our oldest began school. i love ART-ing, art journaling, running, cycling and downing junk food!
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